Alumni Association

Welcome Back People! Alumni Greets you with new Face

An opportunity for the past to coalesce for a while with the present and provide greater opportunities for the college to attain greater heights as the experience of the past helps guide the untapped potential of today. A full day event where Alumni present their experiences and interact with the present batches apart from reminiscence of the golden years of their life here. It also provides alumni to connect with each other, to catch up on the good old times and another chance at business networking.

The Swamy Vivekanandha College of Pharmacy Alumni Association is founded on Feburary 2006. The association endeavors to strengthen the ties among its alumni by addressing the concerns of members with a view to learn and adapt to changes that are necessary.

This Alumni Association works as an interface for maintaining the relationship with the alumni and to involve them in the development and growth of the institution.

It promotes and encourages the alumni to exchange professional knowledge by organizing conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings amongst alumni, students, faculty and others.

Since Continuous interaction with Alumni.