Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

Sophisticated Equipments in the Department

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV Detector.
  • UV - Visible Spectrophotometer.
  • Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectrophotometer (FT – IR).
  • Spectrofluorimeter.
  • Flamephotometer
  • Nepheloturbidimeter
  • Karl – Fischer titrator
  • Potentiometer
  • Conductometer

Departmental Library

The department library is well equipped with up-to-the-minute facilities and resources in the form of CD-ROMs, ON-LINE databases, audio video cassettes, books, e-journals, patents, e-standards, theses, reports, monographs, etc.

National and International Publications

The faculty of the department has more than 120 numbers of National and International publications.


The need of the analytical persons in industry is very high. All the students of our Department were placed in various areas viz. Research and Development, Quality Control Laboratory, Academecia etc.